
Area inside Bleakburn

Can be home to both users and characters.


Selvascura is a mix of "selva" (forest) and "oscura" (dark).
This area is an underground world in Bleakburn. Its unique ecosystem thrives beneath the cracked ceiling of ancient rock formations. Through these fractures, light filters in from the world above, casting shafts of light that cut through the thick canopy of tropical trees. If a Perfpal were to climb up, they could see the overworld above them. This is why the area is called "The Bridge to Light."

Massive ferns and flowering plants dominate the landscape. The oversized leaves collect the sparse sunlight and moisture that sustain them. A dense mist often clings to the ground, creating a somewhat hazy atmosphere. Towering colorful trees twist their roots into the earth like serpents, and stretch toward the ceiling. Vines laden with orchids and bromeliads drape between the branches. The Perfpals of the land harvest these trees to help build other structures in Bleackburn, but they are quick to replant new ones.  Within the Jungle there are also bioluminescent plants that keep the place dimly lit at night time. There's a whole range of colors though they tend to range on the cooler side. If one were to visit Selvascura one would describe it as "very blue or purple"

One of Selvascura’s most remarkable landmarks is the Lake Luminada, a crystalline lake in the heart of the jungle. The water is so clear that every pebble on the bottom is visible, and it reflects the faint light from above. Surrounding the lake, are colorful butterflies that flutter between plants. Capybaras also roam freely near the water sources.  Perfpals build their homes on the lake.  The homes are built on big stilts so during the "dry" (it's not THAT dry) season, so they have to use ladders to descend from their homes. During the wet season, Perfpal's homes seem to drop off right into the water. Not every Perfpal in Selvascura resides on the lake, but those who do are usually Fishermen or have aquatic traits. 

Associated Faunas