
The Last Anicent Perfpal


In the deserts, a young perfpal was raised in a small isolated village. In this village, everyone had a purpose since birth. You were told what you were going to be, and you had no say against it. The young perfpal's destiny was prechosen for him, he was to be a sacrifice when the time was right. His name was Louai, and he was prepared for his time to come. He never feared his fate... except on the day of the ceremony.
On that day, he wasn't ready.
Sound bustled in the town, lights adorned the sky, and Perfpals let their homes excited for the celebration. Today was the day they were to make the sacrifice. Music filled the town, and bright colors adorned the streets. Everyone was celebrating, while Louai waited anxiously. They placed him upon an altar, and thunder roared as if it protested. They used the sacrificial knife to remove his patch, and just like that- Louai was gone from Cuddleluna.
It turns out that when the village performed this sacrifice, it was all in vain. The storm wiped out the entire town leaving not a single living perfpal there. They all vanished along with the thunder. Every living body disappeared, leaving Louai's lifeless plush on the altar.
When Mother recreated the earth, she sent storms to wipe away the lost world of Sandshadow, hoping to cover the shame in the sand. No Perfpal in the new age should know about the evil things the ancient Perfpals did to one another. 
During the storm, lightning struck the altar bringing momentary life to Louai. In the brief time he had to be alive, he used the sacrificial knife to stab his chest back into his body.  His patch clings onto his body much like he clings to life, by just the tiniest bit.
No one knows of this Perfpal, as he keeps himself secret from the world. How does he do it? By traveling as freely and as invisible as the winds. He roams the world undetected by modern Perfpal, alone as the last ancient Perfpal. 
If you are a Perfpal lost in the deserts of Sandshadow, listen to the winds to guide you.
Louai may be trying to help you find exactly what you are looking for.