Terms of Service

Created: 16 May 2024, 01:23:21 EDT
Last updated: 23 July 2024, 17:23:01 EDT

Perfpals official terms of service

Violations of this TOS may result in a permanent ban

Please familiarize yourself with the rules of our species


All Perfpals must be made with an MYO ticket. These tickets are available through various means. 
All Perfpals must go through an approval process. Characters who are not approved should not be used until they are approved.
Perfpals are not tolerant of heavily inspired knock-offs. There are multiple ways to get a free Perfpal. If you are caught making these knock-offs you will be blacklisted from the community. This shouldn't be a problem! I promise getting a Perfpal is VERY easy!
Perfpals can only be submitted to this website for approval. We no longer accept approval through Discord.
When you submit a Perfpal for approval you must be certain that is the final design. Any further changes to the design require official items.
You can only submit your own Perfpals for approval. You cannot submit Perfpals for approval on behalf of someone else.
Under no circumstances can Perfpals be made for blacklisted users.
You cannot make a Perfpal to sell immediately.

Design RULES

Perfpals cannot have any hateful symbols toward any group of people on their design.
Perfpals may not have a sexually explicit design. This not only includes the Perfpal's design but also their clothing.
While Perfpals recognizes that breasts and nipples are not sexual, other genitalia are strictly prohibited. 
Perfpals can be based on pre-existing media such as video games, anime, TV shows, etc.
If your Perfpal was previously not affiliated with media, and you edit them to resemble a character, please contact a moderator so they may edit the Perfpal's information.
Admins have the right to reject any design they may deem controversial. 
Horror Perfpals must be tagged and censored properly. 
You are allowed to make alternate species forms for your Perfpal.

Ownership RULES

By owning a Perfpal you agree to all of Perfpal's TOS.
Owning a Perfpal means agreeing to have your Perfpal publicly listed here. We will not private a Perfpal for any reason.
Perfpals cannot be deleted, they can be redesigned and resold.
You can design an alternate form where the character is not a Perfpal, but they must keep their Perfpal form.
You cannot have art of your Perfpal in sexual positions whatsoever.
Important information
If you are found out to be an awful person, your Perfpals will be immediately voided and you will be blacklisted from the community.
Perfpals will make you aware of the reason that you are banned from the community.
We have the right to refuse ownership to: Pedophiles, Zoophiles, Racists, Cubs, Homophobes/Transphobes, Proshippers, Profiction, and any other explicitly bad group of people. 

Trading/Selling RULES

Perfpals must be sold/traded on the website. If the other party does not yet have an account, they must make one.
There is no cool down for how long you must wait to trade, sell, or gift. 
If we suspect you are creating Perfpals just to sell, you will be warned. If actions continue you may be blacklisted.
You can buy Perfpals from blacklisted users. You cannot buy items or MYOs from a blacklisted user. All of their items are completely invalid and Perfpals will not compensate you for any scammed money.
You cannot sell Perfpals to any blacklisted users. You will be put on a watchlist if you are caught doing so. 
Items and MYOs must be resold for the price you purchased them at. If you received them for free, you cannot accept currency for them.
For selling/trading/gifting Perfpals, please refer to the designer's own personal TOS.

Commercial Use

You are allowed to make merchandise of your personal Perfpals without contacting a moderator.
You must ask a moderator before making merchandise of official Perfpals, or Perfpals as an idea.


Feel free to contact an admin on here or on Discord.
Our TOS is nonnegotiable, meaning we will not bend on any of these rules.
Perfpals reserves the right to change their TOS at any time.