Profile GUEST-520: Sunkist

Owned by BoggieGoose

Design notes: Thick framed. Jacket optional. Little scent tag on left ear not optional. Hands can dispense a Gatorade-like drink. Purple is part of wings

A idol in the outer districts of Kezpar 277 alongside His sister, Citronella, bringing much needed hope to the poorer souls away from the untold riches of the inner districts. He's often seen of livestreams alongside his sister, though he's much more soft spoken and mild mannered then his bombastic twin. He opposes the government much more then his sister, sometimes going behind her back to participate in Defect raids to intercept incoming food shipments at the spaceport. It gets wasted in the inner city anyway, they can make better use of it there. Despite his double life, though, he has his sister's back through everything. After all, she's all he has left.

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