Profile GUEST-519: Citronella

Owned by BoggieGoose

Design notes: Wearing a bikini and a jacket, these are optional but she has no nudity. Purple is part of the wings. Hands can dispense a tropical fruit drink (grape and mango flavored) Tail is prehensile! tiny little tag on left ear isn't optional. Vines not optional

A idol in the outer districts of Kezpar 277 alongside her brother, Sunkist , bringing much needed hope to the poorer souls away from the untold riches of the inner districts. She's almost always livestreaming something, trying to frame everything in a positive light, even running a soup kitchen or providing blankets to folks. She doesn't only do it for herself, her work has reached the inner districts and more support and aid is being rendered because of it. She made a promise to her parents that she and Sunkist wouldn't stop until all the people of Kezpar 277 were fed and housed.

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